TO QUOTE Robin Williams: 'We had gay burglars the other night. They
broke in and rearranged the furniture'.
Previously On
Robin-War: The group of young urbanites, collectively known as 'The Robins', have
been arrested and detained by the police, simply because one of their own
accidentally got a cop killed in the line of duty. But the strange thing about
this, dear reader, is that the main driving force behind their capture has been
manipulated by the government official, Councillor Nocturne, so that their
incarceration can bring back to Gotham City the one and only, Dick Grayson.
And why does
Nocturne want Dick? If you'll excuse the visual imagery. Simple really. She
doesn't. Yet her colleagues in the Court of Owls do (for as of
yet unexplained reason's).
Plus, to make these
proceedings even more bi-polar, once Dick comes back to Gotham (as seen in
the pages of his own title and the Robin War one-shot), under
the guise of a training exercise, he then manages to orchestrate 'The Robins'
getting captured by the police in the first place, so they are safely detained
while he goes off and investigates these matters on his own.
There. Have you got
all that? I hope so. Because I'm not writing all of that out again, Ha! In all
seriousness, though, so far, this Robin War cross-over event is shaping up to
be a pretty good story-line. Not only do we get the luxury of seeing all of the
Robins together again, interacting on the same page, but on top of that, the
basic idea behind this story (that of a master manipulator, manipulating
certain events to defame a characters standing) is fairly entertaining too.
Now don't get me
wrong. I'm not totally head over heals with this cross-over. And to be
honest with you, my main gripe with it stems from this very issue of Detective
You see, for me, I
felt that this episode had a very clichéd structure. It began with a sequence where we saw Dick and Bat-Jim having a fight in a not-so-darkened
alleyway. It then flashed back in time to another scene where we
saw the Robin's interacting with each other whilst housed in their respective...
groan... cages. The story then decided to remind us of the whole Nocturne /
Court of Owls sub-plot. And so forth, and so on. To and fro. To and fro.
For Dick, a bit more investigating. Back to the Robins for a bit more
squawking. Then over to Bat-Jim who does some investigating on his own, and,
yes, as you guessed it, Jim and Dick eventually team-up after their obligatory
battle, resulting in a very new form of dynamic duo.
Once again, don't
get me wrong, as I don't have a problem with this new paring at all. If anything,
it would be nice to see how it pans out next week. Plus on top of that, I also felt that Steve Pugh did do a
very good job on the art-work, keeping a similar tone set by the previous two
chapters. What I do have a problem with
though, is why would someone want to build a prison made from metal cages
hanging from the ceiling, and then locate that prison in the same place as
barrels of hazardous waste? Also, how come Tim and Jay got on so well in the
pages of Red
Hood / Arsenal, yet over here they kept on bickering? And Dick, ouch! Don't
get me started on Dick. I love the character. Honestly I do. But everyone he
seems to bump into knows that he was once Robin, Nightwing, whoever, implying
that they must also know that Bruce was once Batman as well! Even Gordon!
Was it just me? Or
does this play out in the same way to you too, dear reader? Answer's on a post
card please. Over and out.
Because this comic book is a very Robin themed comic book,
and because I think that this review is going to be published after the Xmas period, why don't I just musically match them up to the Jackson Five classic,
'Rockin' Robin'!
In essence, this adventure is about teaming-up with an old
friend and wanting to break out of prison. So to me, these two things together
spiritually reminds me of the comedy, 'Stir Crazy', starring two old
friends, Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor. And if I remember rightly, in it both of
them also dress up as a pair of birds.
Now we can't have
Bat-Jim and Dick going around and calling themselves the new dynamic duo, can
we? We have to give them another name. A name that in someway encapsulates
their union with an ironic and yet pithy title! So, without further a do, try
these on for size, and welcome in the brand new era of...
- The Acrobat and the Flying Rat.
- Pipe and Slippers.
- The Newsome twosome.
- A Couple of Cops.
- The Policing Partners.
- Big Jim and Long Dick.
- Target Practice.
- Everything You Wanted To Know About Bruce, But Was Afraid To Ask.
Nuff said.
Reviewed by David Andrews
January 04, 2016