

Oil Painting - 1Over the years, I’ve had the good fortune to interview a number of very prolific artists who’ve managed to make a name for themselves within the creative industry. Sometimes, though, I prefer to speak to someone relatively new, in order to see what their artistic journey has been like so far. Such as the oil painter…

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1) Please tell us a little bit about yourself, Halder?   When I was younger I wanted to be a scientist, all logical and stern, but as I grew older I started to appreciate art in all of its various forms. In fact, I appreciated art so much, that I did my Masters in visual art painting, I taught art to sustain a regular income, and then I left my job to practice western classical oil painting on my own. Nowadays, I like to think of myself as an artist who performs scientific experiments through my work, mainly by painting aliens, alien worlds, and things from my vivid imagination!

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2) What inspired you to become an artist?   I generally get my inspiration from everything I see and feel around me, ranging from life, death, birth, science, or something else

3) Have you had any of your work featured in an official capacity?   No. Not yet, as I’m relatively new to the professional world of art, even though I did have some of my stuff published during my college days.

4) What song would you say best represents your style of work and why?   I would like to think that my work might sound somewhat similar to Madonna's song, ‘Frozen’, because they're both beautiful, ethereal, and tinged with various shades of light and dark. 

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5) If you could get a celebrity – either living or dead – to promote your wares, who would you choose, and why would you want to choose this particular person?   In all honesty, I don't think anybody would want to promote my work because most celebrities are political and I don't want ethics affecting what I do! I wouldn't mind an alien to help me, though, but only if they wanted to. 

6) During your time in this field, what is the one thing that has kept you in good stead?   I’ve always been a pretty curious person and have constantly thought about the world beyond my reach, such as the nature of birth, a land without religion, alien civilizations, and the idea that I can search for a better place, both inside my mind and outside my subconscious.

And on that note, I'd like to thank Halder for telling us about his life in art, before directing you towards his Facebook and Instagram pages. 

ART / WORK / LIFE - HALDER SANJAY ART / WORK / LIFE - HALDER SANJAY Reviewed by David Andrews on September 24, 2019 Rating: 5

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