

Conan O’BrienLast week, TidalWave Comics sat down behind a big wooden desk and interviewed a number of celebrity guests about their up and coming projects. No! Wait a minute! That wasn’t TidalWave Comics! That was, Conan O’Brien, and he’s starring in the following biographical adventure written by C.W. Cooke and P.R. McCormack, illustrated by Erick Marquez, and continues from where the last episode left off. Please enjoy.

Conan O’Brien 5

Conan O’Brien 6

Conan O’Brien 7

Conan O’Brien 8

Conan O’Brien 9

To see what happens next please check out TidalWave Comics on their website, facebook, and twitter pages. Or better yet, why not pick up a copy of ‘Fame: Conan O’Brien’ on Comixology.

CONAN O'BRIEN (PART TWO) - A FIVE PAGE PREVIEW CONAN O'BRIEN (PART TWO) - A FIVE PAGE PREVIEW Reviewed by David Andrews on January 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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