'Haphazard Kismet' is an ongoing monthly webcomic that follows two globetrotting smugglers who try to earn a living in a dystopian future populated by corrupt characters and terrifying terrain. One of these smugglers is a prolific pilot called Chance Chanski, while the other one is a gregarious golem called Couch. Want to know more? Then please check out the following preview I was kindly allowed to share. Enjoy.
Synopsis: Volume one finds Chance and Couch attempting to complete a job for the Yakuza, only to inherit another dangerous task and their employer's daughter. If it seems dubious, then it probably is, as danger lurks everywhere while they try to cross the Ocean of Waste and Slaughter.
'Haphazard Kismet' was written by Erich Onzik and illustrated by Josh Mongeau. To find out more, please feel free to check out Erich's Substack.
Synopsis: Volume one finds Chance and Couch attempting to complete a job for the Yakuza, only to inherit another dangerous task and their employer's daughter. If it seems dubious, then it probably is, as danger lurks everywhere while they try to cross the Ocean of Waste and Slaughter.
'Haphazard Kismet' was written by Erich Onzik and illustrated by Josh Mongeau. To find out more, please feel free to check out Erich's Substack.
Reviewed by David Andrews
October 02, 2023
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