

Stan Lee - Cover A The late, great, Stan Lee, was an American comic book writer, editor, and publisher who over the years successfully co-created many popular characters for Marvel Comics, including characters such as Spider-Man, Hulk, Daredevil, and Iron Man. In fact, Stan was so successful at his job, that our pals at TidalWave Comics have published a comic book chronicling his life and career. It was written by Jay Allen Sanford and Michael Frizell and illustrated by Blackwell and David Ryan. Please enjoy.

Forbidden planet

Stan Lee - 3

Stan Lee - 4

Stan Lee - 5

Stan Lee - 6

Stan Lee - 7

To see what happens next, please feel free to come back next week for part two, or alternatively, check out TidalWave Comics on their official Website, Instagram, and Twitter pages. Better yet, why not pick up a copy of 'Tribute: Stan Lee' via Amazon!

STAN LEE (PART ONE) - A FIVE PAGE PREVIEW STAN LEE (PART ONE) - A FIVE PAGE PREVIEW Reviewed by David Andrews on June 21, 2024 Rating: 5

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