In February, 1976, Columbia Pictures released a fantastic film called 'Taxi Driver', which revolves around a lonely man who embarks on a deadly rampage. It was directed by the American filmmaker, Martin Scorsese, and stars Robert De Niro (who plays the lonely man), Cybill Shepherd (as his possible love interest), and Jodie Foster (as the 12-year-old prostitute, the lonely man tries to save). Today, we're going to take a look at some of the locations featured in the aforementioned film, which includes an interactive map for each one. Please enjoy.
657 West 57th Street, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
(Cab Office)
When the film begins, we're introduced to the titular character, Travis Bickle (as played by Robert De Niro), while he's visiting a cab office in New York City so he can gain employment as a taxi driver. Fortunately, Travis is successful with his application, and from that moment onwards, we see him driving throughout the city and passing such well-known locations as Times Square and other parts of Manhattan. The cab office in question no longer exists, though, as it has since been redeveloped into a cinema.
East 28th Street and Park Avenue South, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
(Belmore Cafeteria)
One night, Travis decides to visit a local cafeteria so he can drink a cup of coffee with a couple of his colleagues, including a fellow taxi driver known as the Wizard (as played by Peter Boyle). In reality, this cafeteria was a regular hangout for real taxi drivers, and it was also featured in the original 1974 version of the heist film, 'The Taking of Pelham One Two Three'. But just like the previous location, it has since been shut down and replaced by another business.
1866 Broadway, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
(Palantine's Campaign Office)
After hanging out with his fellow taxi drivers, Travis befriends a very pretty-looking lady he's admired from afar. Her name's Betsy (as played by Cybill Shepherd), and she's a campaign volunteer who, along with her colleagues, is trying to help a political candidate get voted into office. But unfortunately for her, Travis quickly becomes obsessed with Betsy and they eventually part ways when he takes her to see a pornographic film at the Lyric Theatre, which is still situated at 214 West 43rd Street, New York City. The same can't be said about the office where Betsy works, though, because just like the previous two locations, it has since been replaced by another business.
586 Columbus Avenue, New York City, New York, USA
(Iris's Place of Work)
At one point in the film, Travis befriends another pretty-looking female. But this time, she's a 12-year-old prostitute named Iris (as played by Jodie Foster), who he tries to save by entering her place of work and killing those people facilitating her activities, such as her pimp, Sport (as played by Harvey Keitel). In real life, Iris's place of work was filmed at two different locations. One of these locations can be found at 586 Columbus Avenue, New York City, which also included indoor accommodation that doubled as Travis's apartment, whereas the other location can be found at 226 East 13th Street, New York City.
So, there you have it, folks, four film locations featured in the 1976 classic, 'Taxi Driver'. More articles featuring famous film locations will be coming soon, but before then, please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section below.
657 West 57th Street, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
(Cab Office)
When the film begins, we're introduced to the titular character, Travis Bickle (as played by Robert De Niro), while he's visiting a cab office in New York City so he can gain employment as a taxi driver. Fortunately, Travis is successful with his application, and from that moment onwards, we see him driving throughout the city and passing such well-known locations as Times Square and other parts of Manhattan. The cab office in question no longer exists, though, as it has since been redeveloped into a cinema.
East 28th Street and Park Avenue South, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
(Belmore Cafeteria)
One night, Travis decides to visit a local cafeteria so he can drink a cup of coffee with a couple of his colleagues, including a fellow taxi driver known as the Wizard (as played by Peter Boyle). In reality, this cafeteria was a regular hangout for real taxi drivers, and it was also featured in the original 1974 version of the heist film, 'The Taking of Pelham One Two Three'. But just like the previous location, it has since been shut down and replaced by another business.
1866 Broadway, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
(Palantine's Campaign Office)
After hanging out with his fellow taxi drivers, Travis befriends a very pretty-looking lady he's admired from afar. Her name's Betsy (as played by Cybill Shepherd), and she's a campaign volunteer who, along with her colleagues, is trying to help a political candidate get voted into office. But unfortunately for her, Travis quickly becomes obsessed with Betsy and they eventually part ways when he takes her to see a pornographic film at the Lyric Theatre, which is still situated at 214 West 43rd Street, New York City. The same can't be said about the office where Betsy works, though, because just like the previous two locations, it has since been replaced by another business.
586 Columbus Avenue, New York City, New York, USA
(Iris's Place of Work)
At one point in the film, Travis befriends another pretty-looking female. But this time, she's a 12-year-old prostitute named Iris (as played by Jodie Foster), who he tries to save by entering her place of work and killing those people facilitating her activities, such as her pimp, Sport (as played by Harvey Keitel). In real life, Iris's place of work was filmed at two different locations. One of these locations can be found at 586 Columbus Avenue, New York City, which also included indoor accommodation that doubled as Travis's apartment, whereas the other location can be found at 226 East 13th Street, New York City.
So, there you have it, folks, four film locations featured in the 1976 classic, 'Taxi Driver'. More articles featuring famous film locations will be coming soon, but before then, please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section below.
Reviewed by David Andrews
July 31, 2024
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